Friday, April 23, 2010

Almost Done!

Hey Girls! I am going to start working on the web pages again tonight. I know I am responsible for e-pals, google maps, and the blog links...let me know if you want me to add anything else.

Shannon- here are website uses:

1. )

These are the best fertilizers for your garden. It tells research about what fertilizer is best for the type of soil used in the garden.


This article gives tips for everyday people who enjoy gardening.


This website gives tips to make your garden fancy, and tips of how to spruce up your garden at home.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hello Girls!
Well...last week of classes!! :) I am going to try and get my website done by this weekend so that I do not have to worry about it any more. Colleen, please try to e-mail me a little snipit of what your websites are about..if you don't...then don't worry about it I can look at them myself. Are we meeting early on Thursday? Just let me know :) Thanks!!

Good Luck on Finals!!!!! :D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Hello Girls, I am not that stressed anymore. I came home and looked at the to do list and it is not bad. We have sccomplished a lot on there. The only thing I noticed we need to do is link (site) the picture on the Introduction page. Other then that I went through and every page says who it is created bya nd has an email address, and the pictures are linked. The only things are the epals assignment and google map, the big bang page, blog, and then all our websites. I don;t remember who is putting what websites on what pages so maybe someone can clarify that for me. I sent mine to Shannon, but on my list I have myself doing one on fertilizer so don't know whos web address that was but let me know. Also don't forget to put your digital stories on there. We should be fine. Have a great weekend and I will see you on Thursday at 11. If we need to come in early I am able to on that day, just let me know. Good Luck!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hello Girls!
So...I am going to work on the website today and TRY to get it some what done as best as I can. I will facebook Shannon my websites. I think the concept map looks good. If anyone has any questions post them on here and we will try to answer them. I think we will be ok it was just a little overwhelming at first I think, so hopefully it will work out. Good luck and see you on Wednesday. Only 1 more week left then finals. Don't forget our final is Thursday at 11 am.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hello ladies,

Colleen the concept map looks good except you forgot the How to Make a Garden Part. We need to add that before you put it on our website. Also, Emily and I are going to try and have our parts either completely done or almost done by Monday that way we can edit anything and make sure it looks good. I didn't know if you would have time to get it done before Monday or not. Just letting you know what we are planning! :)


Don't forget we still have Quiz 11 coming up on Friday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Best Fertilizers :

Gardening Tips:
here is the FINAL concept Map...good work on the website!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hello Girls!
I like our home page so far and I think we are on the right track. Thank you Colleen for figuring out how to do the standards and get those on there. Thank you Shannon for typing out the homepage so far. Good Job! I think we will get it done. We will probably have to work on it outside of class on our own but we are moving along. Only 3 more weeks left!
Have a good week!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hey! Happy Easter! Yes I do think we should create our home page on Monday and then split things up from there. I also hope once we start and figure things out it will not be so overwhelming. I think we have the rest of our labs to make our webpage so hopefully we can all work on it together during class. I have not checked to see when our "exam" is, hopefully it is on that Thursday. I hope everyone had a good weekend. See you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello Girls!

I agree, Colleen, we definately need to discuss this project as a group; however, we have all class on Monday to work on it! :) My plan is to get our homepage created on Monday..and then divide who is doing what that way we can all work on our pages seperate and then maybe use Mondays in class to discuss any problems or questions we may have. I think that once we get started this won't seem like such a horribly stupidly overwhelming project, haha. Another thing..can we all start brainstorming any ideas for the website and have them ready on Monday!!! :)

Have a HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hopefully our exam can be on the Thursday at 11:30. When do you guys have time to work on this website? I think we need to discuss it as a group so we can divide up all of our parts and decide what our web page will look like. Semester is almost over! YAY!
I am super excited and proud of us that we got our podcast in way before it was due! One questions though, when are all of our "re-do's" due for everything? And, yes Em, I am super excited to have only one more lecturea and 4 weeks of class and then finals!!! Speaking of finals..what is our final in this class..anyone know? Have a good week!!! :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I am so excited for our pod cast I think we did very good and now we do not have to worry about it. It is done and turned in. We only have a quiz and to communicate on the blog this week. Also remember that we only have one more lecture next week and then no more! After this week we have 4 more weeks and then finals week so five weeks all together after this one. YEAH! Hope everyone has a good weekend and see you on Monday!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Here is my part of the podcast...

As a final project for our unit on flowers your student will be participating in starting and maintaining a class flower garden. We will be collecting data by measurements, pictures and notes. The students will be involved in every process from getting the ground ready to taking a field trip to a local flower nursery to pick the flowers we will be using to seeing the final outcome. We will have all different types of flowers some requiring more shade, some more sun. Some will be local and others will be from places far away. We will see what happens to the different flowers as they grow. Eventually we will have a full grown beautiful flower garden that each student can be proud of.

Soooooooooo, I completely forgot about this assignment until like right now. So, I am working on it..and will hopefully have it posted by tonight, but if not tonight then definately tomorrow.

Project based learning is teacher facilitated but the students run the project. The teachers oversee the work while the students participate in real world projects. The students are the expert and create their own questions, solving problems on their own. Through using technology, students learn to analyze and research for information. Students produce authentic products in project based learning. One concept of prject based learning is to create a digital story. In creating a digital story, students use Windows Movie Maker to import pictures, add music and narrate imformation on the timeline. This is a great project for students to use to present information.

This is my part for the podcast.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hey! I just finished my lesson plan and forgot about the podcast! I will write up my part on Project Based learning by Sunday! See you in class on Monday! Note the time.... :/ Oops!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yes Shannon the 2nd lesson plan is due on the 19th, so tomorrow by midnight. I hear you about the due dates. It is hard to keep each class seperate and organized.
For our podcast this is what I am going to say.
"So far in our unit on gardening the students have learned the types of flowers, mostly the state flower of Michigan. We have talked about what flowers need to grow, like sun, water, fertilizer. Another unit we did was on how to take care of your flowers, watering them, clipping off the dead flowers. The most important topic we talked about was how to make a flower garden and get everything started. The children have also learned about gardening tools and how to use them and where to use them in the garden and how it helps a garden. Your student has learned a lot about flowers and a flower garden. I urge you to plant a flwoer garden with them this summer so they can show you the skills they learned."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello ladies!

Soo, when is our lesson plan due? I believe that it is the 19th. Also, is anything else due? I am getting lost because I feel like we have so much going on and absolutely to many due dates :(
Thanks for the information!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello Girls,
I hope you all had a good spring break and that your movie is going good. I posted the revised concept map. I am going to do my 2nd lesson plan on the types of flowers you have at home. I believe we talked in class and Shannon is going to teach the first lesson so she is explaining the excel stuff so Colleen and I just need to review it. Right? Hope you guys are staying caught up!! After this week only 6 more weeks and then exam week. :) See you in class on Monday!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Digital Story

I am doing my digital story on the same thing as the lesson plan, and that is The Things that flower needs to grow.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I did not end up doing mine on how to take care of flowers inside. I did mine of the State Flowers. I am doing my movie on the top 5 flowers. Do you think that will work? I would inlcude the history of the flowers..and some random fun facts. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Shannon, I did my lesson plan on how to take care of flowers. So as long as you keep yours inside I think we should be ok. I only did mine on outside care so don't say anything about that and it should work hopefully. I am also doing my movie on the same thing and will keep it only outside. I just hope all our lessons are far enough apart.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Soooooo I am working on my lesson plan (I know, I am a procrastinator) but I was gonna have them do care tips on how to take care of them inside the house. I am not sure if either one of you is doing that. That would only be one part of a little extra. Anways..let me know! Also, I have no idea what I am doing my movie on. I am completely lost. Any ideas would be great.


P.S. Have an AWESOME spring break!
Sounds good Colleen. Thanks for posting that map, hopefully Sharron will give us our points, not sure she will. Anyway, your topic sounds good but I hope it is not to close to mine. I have How to take care of flowers, like how much water to give them, droughts, wintertime, etc. I am also only doing mine based out of Michigan so hopefully they are far eough apart. I am also doing my movie on that topic as well, I think. Hope everyone has a great spring break.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lesson Plan.

Hey. I am working on my lesson plan right now. I have my lesson on What Flowers need to Grow and have that as the first Lesson for this Unit, I put the next lesson introduced would be What Climate the flowers grow best in. I could not remember what the other lesson we were doing was. I am still doing Grade 3, and am having the students compare what flowers need to grow in Michigan to what flowers need to grow in Hawaii. Let me know if I should change anything! Thanks guys!

View Larger Map
I am at the Wed. lab. I was wondering if it was okay if I worked on what flowers need to grow for my digital story. I posted the Google map, I had it done but was not sure how to post it. Sorry about that! I hope you both have a great Spring Break.,-85.547791&spn=0.111473,0.206337&z=12&iwloc=00048050374cc57049cde

View Kalamazoo Flower Shops in a larger map

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday Class and Google Map

Hey Girls,
Missed you both yesterday. We worked on a digital movie we have to make with Windows Movie Maker. Look on the class website for the information. We have to make a movie of our topic and then put images in there along with music and also record our voices. I was thinking to just make the movie about your topic for the lesson plans. that way we don't overlap and we just keep with the same topic that we already had. If you have windows XP or better then you have movie maker if not then you have to go into the open lab. Also I believe you will have to go into open lab anyway to record your voice on the movie. After the movie is done which is due March 12, I think you have to put it on youtube to be graded. So there was a lot of stuff we did yesterday.

Just a reminder that your lesson plans on due on Friday along with Quiz 5. On Monday after Spring Break I think we are going to be given some time to work on our movie but not the whole class time. Also no open lab this Friday or the Friday of Spring Break.

Another thing is the google map. Just wondering what was going on with that. I didn't see it on the blog and it was due on Friday and I thought I remembered Colleen saying she was doing it. Just wondering! Hope you guys had a good weekend and have a good spring break and see you in two weeks.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sorry : (


I will not be in class today because of the weather. Sorry ladies. Please let me know what we did and what you guys need me to do.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hey Shannon, I think we can whatever grade we want, I don't believe we have to all do the same. That is fine if you want to do the powerpoint. I will do a poster or report or something so thats fine. I think 3rd grade is a good grade to do no matter what becasue this way they can write a report or do a powerpoint, so I think I am going to do 3rd grade as well, maybe 4th. Hope your lesson plans are going good and everyone have a great weekend. See you on Monday!
Hello Girls,

For the lesson plan assignment do we all have to do the same grade? Because I was thinking of having my students doing a powerpoint and I know Sharon said that only one of us could do a powerpoint. If one of you would rather do it that is fine and I will have my students do a poster or something :) Also, I was thinking 3rd grade? Let me know!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Updated Pen Pals

Hawaiian Pen Pals

Who are the students your students will communicate with?
Our students will be Pen Pals with third grade students in Honolulu, Hawaii.

When will your students be in contact with their pen pals?
At the beginning to meet our pen-pals and gather the information about the flowers in Hawaii.
We will keep in touch during so they can follow what we are doing.
We will also be in contact at the end to say "thank-you," and explain our findings to the Hawaiian class.

What questions would they ask? What info would they share?
1. Are flowers important to your culture?
-What do you use them for?
-What do they represent?
2. What is your state flower?
-What does it look like?
-Is it native to Hawaii?
-Can it be grown else where?
-How expensive is it to purchase?
3.What type of weather do you have?
--Do they grow in the sunlight better, or the shade?
4. What kind of native flowers do you have?
-What climate do they need to be in to survive?
-What do they look like?
-How many different types do you have?
5. What type of soil do you have?
-What nutrients is it rich in?
-What nutrients does it lack in?
-What flowers can you grow successfully there?
-Is fertilizer needed?
6. Do you buy flower seeds or get them from your own wild flowers?
-Where do you buy them?
-What types of flowers do they sell?
-Are they expensive?

Our students would answer these same questions about our area.

What will they do with the information they will get from the other students?
Our students will split up into groups of 4 students (5 if needed) and focus on one question in particular. For instance, one group will take the first question, another group will take question number 2, so on and so forth. In addition to this, the students who are focusing on question one from the Hawaiian Pen pals, will also be responsible for answering the same question about our area. Once they have answered their information for the Hawaiian Pen pals, they are to take the information they received from their pen pals and make a poster or PowerPoint to present their information with the rest of the class.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hey Girls!
Colleen the changes look great, thanks for doing that and I hope you are feeling better.
Shannon I think we should do nurseries around here as well as Hawaii. I think thats a good idea. Or if we don't want to do both I think we should for sure do ones around Hawaii. Hope everyone has a good weekend and see you on Monday!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hello :)

Hey I can't really do anything until I get the e-mail to add to Google Maps and Google Documents, but I can definitely map the Nurseries around Hawaii. I looked at the Google Document and just added to a couple things, I think you guys did a really good job! Here's what I added, but I can edit the question when I get the e-mail.

My changes are in italics:

Hawaiian Pen Pals

Who are the students your students will communicate with?
Our students will be Pen Pals with third grade students in Honolulu, Hawaii.

When will your students be in contact with their pen pals?
At the beginning to meet our pen-pals and gather the information about the flowers in Hawaii.
We will keep in touch during so they can follow what we are doing.
We will also be in contact at the end to say "thank-you," and explain our findings to the Hawaiian class.

What questions would they ask? What info would they share?
1. Are flowers important to your culture?
-What do you use them for?
-What do they represent?
2. What is your state flower?
-What does it look like?
-Is it native to Hawaii?
-Can it be grown else where?
-How expensive is it to purchase?
3.What type of weather do you have?
4. What kind of native flowers do you have?
-What climate do they need to be in to survive?
-What do they look like?
-How many different types do you have?
-Do they grow in the sunlight better, or the shade?
5. What type of soil do you have?
-What nutrients is it rich in?
-What nutrients does it lack in?
-What flowers can you grow successfully there?
-Is fertilizer needed?
6. Do you buy flower seeds or get them from your own wild flowers?
-Where do you buy them?
-What types of flowers do they sell?
-Are they expensive?

Our students would answer these same questions about our area.

What will they do with the information they will get from the other students?
Our students will split up into groups of 4 students (5 if needed) and focus on one question in particular. For instance, one group will take the first question, another group will take question number 2, so on and so forth. In addition to this, the students who are focusing on question one from the Hawaiian Pen pals, will also be responsible for answering the same question about our area. Once they have answered their information for the Hawaiian Pen pals, they are to take the information they received from their pen pals and make a poster or PowerPoint to present their information with the rest of the class.

Sorry I missed this day...You both did a great job :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Google Map


So I have been thinking about the google map we have to make to go along with Hawaiian Pen Pals. I think that we should do a map of Garden Nurseries around our area. I think that we should do one for Hawaii to, although I do not know if Sharon wants on of thier area too. Let me know what you think.

Thanks for your gmail address. I will try and put you in as a group member for the Hawaiin Pen Pals :)


Hey Girls I'm so sorry I missed Monday. I had a really bad cold and did not really want to get anyone sick :(. I am going to the open lab tomorrow to see what I missed so that I'm not behind. I heard we did a lot! My g-mail account is See you Monday! Have a good weekend.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hawaiian PenPals

Hawaiian Pen Pals

Who are the students your students will communicate with?
Our students will be Pen Pals with third grade students in Honolulu, Hawaii.

When will your students be in contact with their pen pals?
At the beginning to get the needed information and at the end to say "thank-you".

What questions would they ask? What info would they share?
1. Are flowers important to your culture?
    -What do you use them for?
    -What do they represent?
2. What is your state flower?
    -What does it look like?
    -Is it native to Hawaii?
    -Can it be grown else where?
    -How expensive is it to purchase?
3.What type of weather do you have?
4. What kind of native flowers do you have?
    -What climate do they need to be in to survive?
    -What do they look like?
    -How many different types do you have?
5. What type of soil do you have?
    -What nutrients is it rich in?
    -What nutrients does it lack in?
    -What flowers can you grow successfully there?
6. Do you buy flower seeds or get them from your own wild flowers?
    -Where do you buy them?
    -What types of flowers do they sell?
    -Are they expensive?

Our students would answer these same questions about our area.

What will they do with the information they will get from the other students?
Our students will split up into groups of 4 students (5 if needed) and focus on one question in particular.  For instance, one group will take the first question, another group will take question number 2, so on and so forth.  In addition to this, the students who are focusing on question one from the Hawaiian Pen pals, will also be responsible for answering the same question about our area.  Once they have answered their information for the Hawaiian Pen pals, they are to take the information they received from their pen pals and make a poster or PowerPoint to present their information with the rest of the class.
Hey Colleen, We are just wondering where you are today. Hope everything is ok. Let us know what your gmail email is, we did a big assignment in class today and need to add you to our folder. Let us know. Thanks

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello Ladies--

I love your ideas!!! How are we only going to choose one?!

What I have been thinking about doing for our website to do a Geography of Flowers!! :) We could have exotic/tropical flowers and talk about where they are located! I have reviewed one website that has all of that information on it (but I do not have the link on this computer). Anways..let me know what you think!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gardening Lesson Plan

Thats a great idea, I found a lesson plan for gardening for grades 1-3. It shows students how to identify the plant parts, determine wha they need to grow, and recognize what plants do for our earth. (I think adding this to our concept map would be a good idea). This is a 12 day lesson plan and deals with the students growing plants and watching them grow. Here is the website if you want to look into this further.

See you Monday!

Colleen Fisher

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hello Everyone! I was watching the Early Show on Monday morning and they had a garden expert on there and he was explaining how to get your garden started for the spring already. He had these trays that you could buy that had little individual cups to put the seeds in and then you watered them and the tray had a warming blanket. The flower or plant would grow in there and then when you were ready to plant it in the spring you just broke off the cups from each other and put the whole cup in the ground. He said that the roots would go right through it. It was pretty cool. You can find out the information on the Early Show website at;lst;1 If that doesn't work then just go to the Early Show website and search for gardening and it is called Starting Your Spring Garden. It was very cool and had good ideas.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Flower Power Concept Map

Concept map for Flower Power.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

I love our name! I am really looking forward to this!

Flower Power!!!

Hey Girls!

I am looking forward to doing this assignment with you..and our name is probably the coolest out there!!!!!

Flower Power

Looking forward learning about Gardening this Semester! Great group name :)